In the fall of 1998, Afa The Wild Samoan decided it was due time for a pro wrestling organization that could offer the fans around the world what they craved.... Pro Wrestling the Wild Samoan way:  Great action!  Exciting new Stars!  An opportunity for the fans to actually meet their favorite wrestlers and get a picture or an autograph!  Create memories to last a lifetime!
Afa opened "WXW Arena" in Hazleton, PA, as home for WXW as well as home for his Wild Samoan Pro Wrestling Training Center (The only Pro Wrestling training center sanctioned by Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation).  Afa and his large family worked hard to make his vision a reality.
World X-treme Wrestling (WXW) made it's debut in January of 1999 amid much fanfare and a strong following due to the great interest in the WXW web site.  By April of 1999, after several events at "WXW Hall" in Hazleton and in eastern PA, Afa and the WXW prepared for the first big run and the "Xtreme Behavior" weekend which ended with back-to-back shows in the great city of Yonkers, NY.  With an inovative mixture of legends of the past, stars of today and rising stars of tomorrow, WXW set pace for what was to come.  The show featured Bruno Sammartino, The Headshrinkers, Terry Runnels, Nikolai Volkoff, The Wild Things, The Big Cheese and countless others.  WXW was "in the house"!  That weekend told the world:  "There's a new kid on the block...... ready to eat your lunch and kick your butt!"
The WXW Arena flourished, selling out show after show and building X-TREME fans craving more and more with every action packed event.  By late spring, many fueds and rivalries were fuming.....The Latin Hit Squad vs. The Wild Things.... The Sons of Samoa vs. Team Dean (Dylan Dean's notorious million dollar team).......just to name a few.
In May, when a ring tragedy took the life of Owen Hart, Afa, his family and WXW, who were very close to the Hart family, quickly moved to hold a Memorial Event for the benefit of Owen's wife and family.  The event was an incredible success and honored Owen as a wonderful human being.  It was a very special evening.  In the Samoan tradition, Owen was part of the wrestling family....... a "son" to "Pops", as Afa is lovingly called.
As things heated up in the summer of '99, so did WXW.... with the Samoans clashing with Team Dean and later against the invading New Jersey based federation, the ISPW.  After a series of grueling "cross-promotion" shows, WXW came out on top with their all-star line-up of Samu, LA Smooth, next generation Samoan blue chipper Afa Jr., "The Samoan Storm", The Hungarian Barbarian, Kattra and countless others.
The WXW held a huge event in Allentown, PA, before thousands of fans as part of the very popular "SportsFest" at Cedar Beach.  As a treat for the fans, the show was FREE and featured a stellar lineup of talent from all around the world and featuring Afa's nephew "The Rock", and D'lo Brown.
For the remainder of 1999, WXW rode the waves of success with the former WWF Tag Team Champion Headshrinker, The Great Samu, as one of the warriors to hold the WXW Heavyweight Title.
With so much accomplished in the first year of existance, the future of WXW looks to be exciting with so many rising stars coming out of the Wild Samoan Training Centers, including KHAN, The Hungarian Barbarian and Afa Jr., to join the ranks of the esteemed alumni in every federation in the USA and around the world.  This amazing alumni includes:  Yokozuna, The Headshrinkers, Rakishi Phatu, Gangrel, Luna Vachon, Bam Bam Bigelow, Doink (Ray Appolo), Billy Kidman, Champagne  Kanyon, and countless others!
Watch as World X-treme Wrestling grows and expands nationwide and world wide in the new millennium.  Let WXW help you raise money for your group or charity.  Join the growing list of X-treme fans........... join the X-TREME Team in Y2K!!

X-treme thanks to Court Bauer for
providing much of the information
on this page!

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This page was last updated on: April 7, 2008
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